Jour des Crêpes on February 16th

One highlight of PJ’s annual Fête d’Hiver is the Jour des Crêpes! All PJ students are treated to two (2) homemade crêpes, accompanied with warm berries and maple syrup, served to them at tables set-up in the gym.

Click here to sign up for crepe making, donating supplies and volunteering to help during the event. We really appreciate everyone’s help to make this fun PJ event happen!

All students need to bring cutlery and a napkin in a reusable bag, and their usual lunch.

Questions? Please email Sydney Smith at

PAC Virtual Meeting on Wednesday, January 18th

The PJ PAC would like to invite you to join us for a virtual meeting on January 18th from 9:30-11am. What’s on deck, you ask? Updates on what is happening at the school, upcoming events, a riveting (and brief) review of the financials and news from Mme. Zielinski. Looking for more? We are not done! Mme. Zielinski will also be sharing the meaning behind our upcoming Carnival celebrations. Have your children come home speaking about Bonhomme and you have wondered who that was? Do you cook crepes for crepe day but have not understood why? Join us to find out more! 

Please register to attend through the following link:

We hope to see you there!

Meeting-related documents can be found here.