Spring News

Spring Spirit Wear Sale 

Our PAC Online shop will be open April 14 to May 6! We will be selling our current stock of Spirit Wear clothing, masks, caps, and umbrellas. Items will be sent home through PJ students at the end of the sale. Here is the link: PAC Online Shop

Parent Spring Mingler Events – Save the dates!

Let the kids play, and come chat with some other PJ Parents with kids at similar ages. We are hosting in-person, casual meetups on Fridays at 3 pm at the Gazebo:

  • Grades 6 and 7 Parents: May 13 
  • Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 Parents: May 27
  • Grades 3,4, and 5 Parents: June 10

We can’t wait to meet you! 

PJ Park Spring Gardening – May 6th!

This is a fun family event that encourages stewardship of our Park and helps keep our gardens in good shape. We will meet on Friday, May 6th at 3 pm by the garden boxes. Bring the whole family and any gardening tools you have handy. No experience necessary.

PJ PAC Meeting

Wednesday, April 13, 7:00-8:30 pm

Join us for our April PAC Meeting. Mme Zielinski will be giving us an update and Ian Kennedy will be presenting on Indigenous Education in West Vancouver Schools. We will also be voting on budget motions to purchase traffic signs, and outdated technology and amend the Quebec Trip/Alternate Activity amount in the 2021/22 PAC Budget. Motions can be viewed under Meeting Documents.


Meeting Documents

The Card Project 

The children made amazing art for this exciting fundraiser. The Card Project has turned their masterpieces into beautiful greeting cards.

This week, every child will get a copy of their unique card.

The front showcases each child’s own art with 

their name and grade printed on the back.

Look out for your child’s greeting card coming home this week!

Go online to see the beautiful products made with your child’s art: professionally printed greeting cards, notebooks, sketchbooks, digital prints, year planners, and canvasses. NEW this season – canvas tote bags, mousepads, and tea towels! 

To place an order, please go to:


ORDERS are due Sunday, April 10 

for delivery in time for Mother’s Day.

This is a wonderful fundraising opportunity for our school. We receive 20% of the sales. Thank you in advance for your support.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Marcelle at Marcelle@TheCardProject.ca