Congratulations to Sophia Vetrici who is the recipient of this year’s PJPAC scholarship. Sophia, a former PJ student who is graduating from Sentinel this year, received the $1000 award which she will use towards a biology degree at McGill. This award is funded by your donations to PAC. Thank you!
We were thrilled to see so many families participate and experience the joy of physical activity in the first ever run of this kind at PJ! Congratulations to the following students who participated along with a family member: Colin D., Ava N., Mikko G., Cara R., Ayla S., Annamay S., Malcolm B., Anthony Z., Malcolm B., Yasmeen S., Arousha K., Lara M., Maia B., Makayla L., Danik G., Anna P., Julia C., Maxim C., Robin B., Maxwell J., Zoe D., Emilie C., Lincoln J. A shout-out to the following students who had the fastest times in their grade (F/M):
• Kindergarten: Ava N./Colin D.
• Grade 1: Cara R.
• Grade 2: Yasmeen S./ Danik Gauthier
• Grade 3: Julia C./Maxim C.
• Grade 4: Robin B./Maxwell J.
• Grade 6: Zoe D. & Emilie C. (TIE)
• Grade 7: Lincoln J.
• Grand prize: Ayla S. Ayla and her family had the fastest combined time that included a grandparent.