January 13 Zoom Meeting

Below is the link to the upcoming meeting. Mme. Zielinski will give us an update on PJ’s current FESL goal of developing social, emotional and executive function skills in students. We will be joined by guest speaker Allison DeBoer from the Early Learning District Team to further discuss executive functioning.

Our meeting will be via Zoom on January 13 at 9:30 am

Zoom meeting link (Meeting ID: 896 3728 3047 Passcode: PJPAC)


Profit Loss and Balance Sheet

Webinar Saturday December 5th

Positive Discipline During COVID-19

Kelly Gfroerer, PhD

One of the #1 stressors for parents and teachers is the time they spend having to deal with child misbehavior. COVID-19 has only increased these stressors. In this webinar, you will learn about Positive Discipline as a way to reduce misbehavior. Positive Discipline provides tools for parents and teachers that are rooted in theory and research and help teach important social and emotional life skills needed for cooperation and problem solving. Instead of using rewards and punishments (shown by research to be ineffective long-term), Positive Discipline helps parents and educators understand the beliefs behind the behavior and then how to use encouraging methods to build skills for success. Explore fun and interactive experiential activities that you can use to practice the Positive Discipline model.

Register Now

Virtual Movie Night

PJ Movie Night is back… virtually! On Friday, November 27th at 7pm PAC will host movie night on Netflix Teleparty. Watch Smallfoot with your friends while staying safe at home. The event is free but space is limited and you will need to sign up in advance on Eventbrite, then download Teleparty. Visit the Virtual Movie Night Page for details and instructions.

We need 2 volunteers to help make our upcoming virtual movie night a success! We are looking for 2 Chat Monitors to supervise the children’s on-line chat. Monitors can add some fun with some quiz questions about the movie. If you are interested, please sign up here.