Spirit Wear

The ordering date has passed by, but you can still pick up some great Spirit Wear Items!

If you did not get a chance to order, we will be selling t-shirts, shorts, hoodies and umbrellas at our PJ Family BBQ after school on Friday June 15.  Assorted colours and sizes will be available.



Vote’s have been counted!

The winning topic is:

Cultivating Resilience in Children

We look forward to having Colleen Drobot, of Drobot Counselling, speak to our parent body on Wednesday May 9th, 1pm, in the PJ Learning Commons.

“Humans are some of the most adaptive creatures on the planet.

Many of us are able to overcome adversity and find creative solutions to our problems, but unfortunately this is not the case for everyone. Raising resourceful and resilient children has never been more important. Children must face disappointment, loss, and circumstances they cannot change.

How can we as parents cultivate resilience so that our children will not only endure these experiences, but will be able to gain strength and confidence in their ability to cope with them?

In this presentation, we will uncover the roots of resilience and offer ideas as to how parents can foster this process in their children.”


Colleen Drobot is a registered professional counsellor and parent consultant.  She is also an educator has 20 years experience working with children. Colleen has worked with Dr. Gordon Neufeld for over a decade.  She is a mother of two and draws from her personal as well as professional experience.

PAC Meeting – Wednesday April 18, 9am

Michael Finch, principal of Sentinel Secondary will be joining us.  And there will be an update from the Mad Men Soiree planning committee.  In addition to Mme Zielinski’s update, she will speak about traffic safety around our school and is also looking for input on several other topics.

PAC meetings are designed to keep parents informed about our school, and also to provide an opportunity to hear from you.  Please come out to let us know what is important to you and your children.

The coffee will be waiting!