Program Introduction
Each year Ecole Pauline Johnson brings in an Artist in Residence to provide enrichment of the art curriculum. The Artist in Residence (AIR) Program aims to achieve the following goals:
- To give students the opportunity to meet local professional visual and performing artists who will share their expertise
- To have local professional visual and performing artists share ideas and thereby help students and teachers deepen their understanding of the arts
- To have local professional visual and performing artists lead students in activities which encourage personal exploration and development through the arts
- To integrate the Fine Arts across the curriculum to enrich curricular areas
This successful program is administered with funding from PAC and ArtStarts in Schools. There are other potential sources of funding as well (e.g. the West Vancouver Community Services Society may also have funding available and Vancouver Foundation).
Ecole Pauline Johnson’s AIR Committee
Ecole Pauline Johnson has a committee that can include administration, teachers, PAC members and parent volunteers. The committee’s goals are:
- Receive proposals for artists between September and May for the following school year
- Consider and select artist by the end of May for the following school year – this website provides some helpful criteria for the Committee’s consideration
- Make a recommendation to PAC for funding approval in June for AIR
- Apply (or work with applicant) for ArtStarts grant funding by the application deadlines: June 1 (for Sept – June projects) or October 1 (for Jan to June projects)
- Receive feedback about the AIR program from parents/teachers/artist/students (Evaluation Form)
- Improve the AIR program design based on the feedback
The responsibility for applying for the grant is with the school administration member(s) of the committee.
The responsibility for funding the balance of the cost of the AIR is with the PAC. The contract with the AIR is prepared by school administration.
This form is a helpful for arranging payment with the AIR.
ArtStarts Awards
ArtStarts grants can fund up to 70% of total project costs (with the remaining 30% covered from other sources secured by the applicant including contributions from the school district, school, private sponsors and individual donations). The maximum grants available are:
- Up to $3,500 for small to medium scale projects
- Up to $10,000 for large scale projects that unfold over an extended period of time and may involve multiple artists and engage the entire school (limited number accepted per year)
ArtStarts Application Deadlines
There are two application intakes per year. Ecole Pauline Johnson can only apply for one project per intake (more than one project per school can be submitted if provided by different applicants). Unsuccessful projects can be re-submitted a maximum of one time. Applications will be processed within 2 – 3 months of the deadline, and all applicants will receive a notification letter. Successful applicants will be sent a Grant Agreement form – this agreement requests a finalized budget and timeline and must be completed, signed and returned to ArtStarts before funds are released to the school. A final report will be required for awarded projects by the end of June in the school year.
AIR Project Budget
A clear and detailed budget is an essential part of every ArtStarts application (total project expenses must equal total revenues). The project should aim to employ artists at the professional rate of $65 per hour of classroom time or $250 per day. The project budget must only include expenses directly related to the proposed project, specifically: professional artist fees and materials.