A Special Invitation from your Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Executive

Join us for our first PJ parent meeting of the school year, on October 10, from 6:30-8:30pm at PJ. We will be kicking things off with a year-in-review so that you can find out more about what is coming up and how you can get involved, and then we’ll move right into a fascinating (and short) financial update. Mme. Zielinski will then take the mic to give her principal’s update, and then we will welcome our special guest of the night, Mme. Stevenson, who will be speaking about how to support French learning from home. The night would not be complete without a wine and cheese mingler!
Note: No children are allowed in the building due to liquor license requirements. We will be offering a zoom link for those who choose to join us from home.
Click here to register for our in-person meeting.
Click here to register to join us by zoom. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the meeting.
Documents to be discussed during the meeting can be found here.