Positive Mental Health Spotlight

Positive Mental Health Spotlight. A workshop for Pauline Johnson families on understanding stress and anxiety, and bringing more presence to your life. The discussion is suitable for both adults and children and there is an opportunity during the workshop for parents and students to create a family MAP (Mindfulness Awareness Practice) together. Presented by Hayley Winter(CMT, CCP) with Refuel Health and Wellness. and hosted by PAC. May 4th, 7 pm. Free admission.  Register here

It can happen to anyone

It Can Happen To Anyone
” Prevention-based zoom workshop for parents about online and real-world sexual exploitation of children. This is a great parent accompaniment for student education taking place in-class this spring including  Taking Care of Ourselves, Taking Care of Others(TCO2) workshop for grade 6/7s in April, as well as, additional education on real world and online safety through WVPD for grades 4-7. 

All parents are welcome to attend.  Free. April 8, 7:30pm, hosted by PJ PAC and Children of the Street

Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 836 9857 1616 Passcode: 352274