FRIDAY MARCH 12 at 3:15p.m

    Calling all outdoor enthusiasts! We need your help! This coming Friday, March 12 after school we are seeking volunteers to help us pull out some invasive plants that are crowding the healthy plants in our park, garden beds, and butterfly garden. We will also be planting new tulips and bulbs. Parents and students welcome. We will be respecting Covid safety guidelines, keeping our volunteer numbers low, requesting all participants wear masks and practice social distancing.

     WHEN: Friday, March 12, 3:15-4:30

    WHERE:  Meet by the Garden Boxes near the Gravel Field.

    If possible please bring the following:

     -Garden Waste Bins or Brown Bags

    -Garden forks

    -Shears or Secateurs




     *Please Sign up to Volunteer here.


    Help us bring spring to the PJ Gardens. Please send Tulip and flower bulb donations with your child to school. We are accepting donations between now and Thursday, March 11. We can’t wait to plant these bulbs and watch our park bloom with colour come spring!

  • Parent Event: Student Stress and Anxiety during the Pandemic February 4th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm Online

    Free online event hosted by Rockridge PAC in partnership with Rockridge Secondary. This is a free event open to all WVS families.

    Register here

    Event  description:
    Students are stressed…students are filled with anxiety…the Pandemic isn’t helping their mental health…

    How has the Pandemic contributed to their anxiety levels? What is filling our kids with stress, what is triggering them to shut down or go into overdrive as they navigate through life? How can parents and caregivers help, and what strategies do our kids need so they can cope and thrive? These are just some of the questions that Maureen Manning and Jennifer Radcliffe will try to provide answers to during this evening parent education session. The presentations by our speakers will last approximately 1 hour and will be followed by 15-30 minutes of Q&A. Please join us for this important event.