Fun Lunch is back!

Fun Lunch is a hot lunch program provided by Foodie Kids that helps support fundraising initiatives. Registration and ordering is now open for grades 1-7.  Please note that if you would like to receive lunch orders for the first date of October 14th, orders must be received by Friday October 9th at noon.

For more information visit our Fun Lunch page!

PAC AGM 2020

As a parent of a child attending Pauline Johnson you are automatically a member of PAC, so get involved and get informed at our PAC AGM (Annual General Meeting) on September 23 at 7:00 to 8:30 pm via Zoom (Meeting ID: 881 4913 3671 / Passcode: PJPAC). We will be discussing PAC’s plans for the current school year, reviewing the proposed budget and voting in the new PAC Executive. We will also hear important news and updates from PJ’s Principal, Mme Zielinski. All documents that will be referred to in the meeting can be found here.