Coffee @ the PAC Meeting

OK, it won’t be a fancy latte, but we will brew it hot.

Come find out what’s up at PJ.

Wednesday, February 19, 9 – 10:30 am, we look forward to seeing you in the staff room.

PAC meetings are to discuss matters affecting our school and the education of your children.  We encourage all parents/guardians to attend and share their thoughts.  Parents’ voices are a tremendous value to our school.

Babysitting & Stay Safe At Home

On January 24 (Pro D Day), PJ will be offering a Babysitting course (ages 11-13) and Stay Safe at Home course (ages 9-13).  The registration flyer has come home in backpacks, but if you need an extra copy, please print the pdf below.

We are accepting e-transfers and cheques; and every participant must also hand in the signed permission form.