Santa’s Workshop, Wednesday December 18

The final PAC event of 2019 is heading our way!  Santa’s Workshop needs a LOT of volunteer hours.  100 hours to sort through the more than 1,500 donated items. And 100 more hours to decorate the gym, run the event, and pack it up for next year. Phew!

We depend upon you to contribute an hour or two to help make this great spirit event possible.  This is not a job for a small team; it needs everyone!

Please choose your spot to help out.  There are things to do at home, and opportunities to come into the school.

Sorting presents
Washing stuffies  (at home)
Organizing jewelry (at home)

Decorating the gym
Organize & display the gifts

Helping at the event

Taking down decorations

Packing up un-sold items
Feeding the volunteers  (at home)


And, if you have suitable re-giftable items we welcome them, along with wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, bows, etc.  Drop off EVERY SCHOOL MORNING from December 2 – 13 in front of the school office.

For more information about this event, please read here…

CHOCOLATE Fundraiser for Gr 7 Quebec Trip

Please support our Grade 7s on their way to Quebec. They are fundraising with the help of Purdy’s. You can support them by purchasing some very sweet Christmas gifts for friends, family and yourself.

After you’ve signed in you can choose your favourite Purdy’s chocolates and invite others to join and support our Fundraising Campaign…. if you know a Chocoholic…?

Order online and pick up at the school library at the end of November.

Thank you so much!