Gingerbread Lane

‘Tis the season for the annual Hyatt Regency Vancouver Gingerbread Lane display! A group of PJ students supervised by Mr .Elliot and with the help of Three Hearts Bakery, has created four amazing gingerbread houses for this annual event. They are so incredible that PJ’s Treehouse has already been awarded 3rd place in its category by the judges. But there’s still time to vote for the People’s Choice award. From now until December 28th you can visit the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Vancouver to check out PJ’s gingerbread houses (numbers 16, 18, 22 and 24) and cast your vote for your favourite! Just another reason to be #PJproud!

Santa’s Workshop

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

This is such a special event! Kids come to school in their pyjamas and visit our very own Santa’s Workshop (the transformed PJ gym) to select, purchase and wrap presents for their immediate family.  All items are sold for $2.  It is a huge treat for our children to do this independently and actually surprise their family with a gift.  Usually they are the first ones that must be opened on Christmas morning! It is an annual tradition that half the proceeds raised goes towards PAC and the other half is donated to a charity chosen by the Santa’s Workshop organizers. This year we are supporting Cherubs

To make this wonderful PJ PAC event happen requires a lot of coordinating, volunteering and gifts to be supplied.

Please think of Dads/Moms, teenagers, puzzles, games, books, mugs, sports items, household items (just no used clothing please)
…. did we mention Dads?  We are always short on these items!  More gift ideas are listed below.  We will also need gift wrap items, including gift bags and jewelry boxes.

Drop Off Donations and Gift Wrap

Every day starting December 3rd, donations of gently used items and gift wrap can be left before and after school in the boxes under the office’s front window.

Contribute to the event

Santa’s Workshop is a great community spirit event for our children, but also for us adults. Coming into the school to help out connects you with other parents, and can be a fun way to feel a part of PJ and pass an hour or two getting to know others.

We need help with:

Decorating the gym
Laying out the gifts

Helping at the event

Taking down decorations

Packing up un-sold items
Feeding the volunteers
Sorting presents
Washing stuffies
Organizing jewelry

Please think of what you’d enjoy doing and get a friend to sign-up with you. Sign up here.

Gift Ideas

Items will be accepted until Dec 17, but early donations are encouraged so everything can be sorted, stuffies can be washed, etc.

  • Dads and Teen Boys
    • Coffee Mugs
    • Ties, Wallets, Belts, Cuff-links, New Hats, New Socks, Scarves
    • Small Tools, Gardening Tools
    • CD’s/DVD’s, Video Games
    • Tins of tennis balls
    • Sleeves of Golf balls
    • Canucks or any sports related items
  • Moms
    • Vases
    • Jewelry
    • Decorative Items
    • Candles
    • Unused Bath and Beauty Products
    • Serving Platters
    • Kitchen Items
  • General
    • Picture frames
    • Games
    • Books
    • Toys
    • Agendas, Stationary

Purdy’s Pickup

A big thank you from the Grade 7 Quebec Carnival team! Your support helped us fund raise $3600 for the trip.

Pick up at the Library:

* Wednesday, November 28, 3:00 – 4:00 pm

* Thursday, November 29, 8:15 – 9:15 am

* Thursday, November 29, 2:00 – 4:00 pm