PAC Executive Committee

The PAC Executive Committee has worked hard all year, and enjoyed doing it!  We are committed to enriching the school environment at PJ and supporting the efforts of the staff and teaching teams.  The Exec Committee guides many of the great events and programs that your children enjoy:

  • Fun Lunch
  • Crepe Luncheon
  • Santa’s Workshop
  • Bonhomme Skate
  • Movie Nights
  • Gelato Fridays
  • PJ School BBQ
  • Spirit Wear
  • and more.

Many of this years members will be working with the Committee for another year.  But some are stepping down to make room for you to join!

The Exec Committee is being formed for the next school year, and everyone is encouraged to have a look at the positions on the committee here to see if there is somewhere you’d like to contribute.

Staff Appreciation Lunch

Our annual Staff Appreciation Lunch is on Wednesday, June 20. The Staff Appreciation Lunch is a wonderful PJ tradition to formally thank all of the staff for giving so much to our children every day.

We have a  team in place to lead the event, and each classes has been asked to contribute a special item.

Please sign up here if you are interested in helping at this event.

Thank you!