PAC Meeting – Wednesday April 18, 9am

Michael Finch, principal of Sentinel Secondary will be joining us.  And there will be an update from the Mad Men Soiree planning committee.  In addition to Mme Zielinski’s update, she will speak about traffic safety around our school and is also looking for input on several other topics.

PAC meetings are designed to keep parents informed about our school, and also to provide an opportunity to hear from you.  Please come out to let us know what is important to you and your children.

The coffee will be waiting!

The Mad Men Soiree

This is The PJ Party with a Purpose!

7 pm – 11  

Auction Items are now on-line for bidding before the Soiree. Artwork, hotel nights, sailing, sports camps, restaurants….two pages to browse through.  Click here to view auction items.

Money raised from this event will help fund the annual Quebec trip, PJ’s most exciting “Rite of Passage” for its graduating Grade 7 students AND a generous portion of funds ($10,000) will go to the PJPAC to directly benefit initiatives for the entire school.

Meet new parents, see old friends and mingle outside of the “kid zone”. It’s the one night that everyone gets out! You’d be MAD to miss it!

Come support your PJ community!

This Glam night out will feature:

– One ‘Mad Men’ drink included in ticket price

– “Mad Men” style sexy cocktails, appies and canapés

– Live music plus DJ so you can dance the night away!