PAC Meeting September 13, 7-9pm

PAC’s first meeting of the year.

We look forward to seeing you.

Wednesday, September 13, 7 – 9pm

PAC meetings are to discuss matters affecting our school and the education of your children.  We will review the annual budget and this year’s calendar of events.

We encourage all parents/guardians to attend and cast their vote.  Parents’ voices are a tremendous value to our school. The meeting will be held at the PJ Library/Learning Commons.

Unique Partnership with Coho Society

We are pleased to announce that The Coho Society has partnered with our school to promote the understanding of the wetlands and learning in nature.  This project will last for three years and we expect it will touch the learning of every child in the school.

 The Coho Society will be providing funds and resources, which includes:

·         A Scientist in Residence – who will assist the teachers to teach the children about the life cycle in our wetlands;
·         Establishing a new library collection called: Learning in Nature;
·         Assisting with the “Learning in Nature” event day at our school.

We will be showcasing this partnership at the Coho Festival.