Save time and money while supporting your PAC by ordering your school supplies between June 15 and July 15 Supplies will be given to your child first day back to school in September, For more information on how to order, click here
Save time and money while supporting your PAC by ordering your school supplies between June 15 and July 15 Supplies will be given to your child first day back to school in September, For more information on how to order, click here
“Thank you for your support, participation and volunteering at our PJ PARTY IN THE PARK. We received amazing feedback and the general consensus s that it was the PJ COMMUNITY SPIRIT at its best!! “
The PJ Community Park Team and your Ecole PJ Pac
All parents and families are most welcome and encouraged to attend the official opening at 2pm which will be followed by a fun family bbq (buy Your BBQ tickets now) and Sentinel Band (Party in the Park) from 3pm onwards