Voyageur Crêpe Luncheon – February 3

One of Pauline Johnson’s special French cultural events will be held next month. In recognition of Quebec City’s Carnival, the school/parents hosts a Voyageur Crepe Luncheon for all PJ students.  This event is always well organized and easy for parents to take a part in it.  Please click here to sign-up for contributions and/or volunteers needed for the day.

Kindergarten and Grade 1 Parent Coffee – Jan. 25 at 8:45am, PJ Library

The Kindergarten and Grade 1 parents will be getting together for some tea and coffee just after morning drop off in the school library. This event is to give parents of kindergartens and grade 1’s a chance to meet with some of the other PJ parents, as well as members of the PJ PAC executive.  Mme Zielinski will also be available to answer questions and provide a short tour of the school to any interested parents.