The final PAC event of 2019 is heading our way! Santa’s Workshop needs a LOT of volunteer hours. 100 hours to sort through the more than 1,500 donated items. And 100 more hours to decorate the gym, run the event, and pack it up for next year. Phew!
We depend upon you to contribute an hour or two to help make this great spirit event possible. This is not a job for a small team; it needs everyone!
Please choose your spot to help out. There are things to do at home, and opportunities to come into the school.
Sorting presents
Washing stuffies (at home)
Organizing jewelry (at home)
Decorating the gym
Organize & display the gifts
Helping at the event
Taking down decorations
Packing up un-sold items
Feeding the volunteers (at home)
And, if you have suitable re-giftable items we welcome them, along with wrapping paper, tape, ribbon, bows, etc. Drop off EVERY SCHOOL MORNING from December 2 – 13 in front of the school office.
For more information about this event, please read here…
Santa’s Workshop is a long-standing PJ tradition, one the children eagerly look forward to every year. For this event PJ families donate thousands of items that can be re-gifted by PJ students to their families. The gym is set up like a market where students shop for and purchase gifts for their immediate family members, each item costs $2. To make this wonderful PJPAC event happen there is a lot of coordinating, volunteering and donations needed. Santa’s Workshop requires at least 1,600 items to be donated, sorted and cleaned, the gym to be decorated, and cleaned-up.
This event is also a PJPAC fundraiser, generally raising over $2000 that goes to support school improvements and student activities.
All your gently used donations can be dropped off at the office every school day from 8:30 to 9:00am, and 2:30 to 3:00pm until December 17. We can only accept items that are in good condition (ie. contains all pieces, in working condition, etc). Remember, these items will make a Christmas gift for someone else! If your donation has already been cleaned, kindly indicate so with a note on the item.
Items we are collecting include:
- Toys, puzzles, and games (complete, no missing pieces)
- Small electronics
- Sports items
- Tools, gardening items
- Jewelry, purses, bags
- Ties and scarves (that can be washed), belts
- Adult and teen books
- Knickknacks, kitchen items
- Christmas/holiday decorations
- Unused/unopened makeup/cosmetics/bath products
Think of dads and teens, where we are often lacking enough suitable gifts.
We are also collecting gift wrap, tape, bows, gift bags of all sizes, labels, and jewelry boxes/bags so the kids can wrap gifts in the gym. We are not accepting food, items larger/heavier than a child can carry out, clothing or children’s books (the kids do not select these for their siblings).
Whether you have one hour to spare or three… we have a job for you!
Collection from November – December
Help us to collect, move and sort our Santa’s workshop gifts! Help to move donations inside in the mornings on Monday, Wednesday or Friday or sort and box donations on Friday afternoon. Sign up here.
Preparation, washing and testing the gifts on December 15 or 18
Assist with the preparation and cleaning of donations! We need some help testing electronics, washing stuffies and cleaning/packaging jewellery. Sign up here.
Set up and Event Day December 18 – 19
There is much to do from setting up our market tables, decorating the venue, assist with our wrapping station, cleaning up after, etc. Sign up here to help.
Thank you for your participation! If you have any questions, please email our Santa’s Workshop Lead.