The children made amazing art for this exciting fundraiser. The Card Project has turned their masterpieces into beautiful greeting cards.
This week, every child will get a copy of their unique card.
The front showcases each child’s own art with
their name and grade printed on the back.
Look out for your child’s greeting card coming home this week!
Go online to see the beautiful products made with your child’s art: professionally printed greeting cards, notebooks, sketchbooks, digital prints, year planners, and canvasses. NEW this season – canvas tote bags, mousepads, and tea towels!
To place an order, please go to:
ORDERS are due Sunday, April 10
for delivery in time for Mother’s Day.
This is a wonderful fundraising opportunity for our school. We receive 20% of the sales. Thank you in advance for your support.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Marcelle at [email protected]